Thursday 4 June 2015

4 Reasons You Should Consume Mangoes

While most African leaders believe that the treasures and diamonds of Africa are hidden in the ground, I believe they are hanging up on the trees. This is because most fruits (Loaded with medicinal benefits) are on trees and if we maximize them, then Africa will be a healthier place. One of such treasures is Mango.

As a young boy, I had always loved to consume mangoes more than any other fruit. Not knowing the benefits associated with it, during its season, it remains my favourite. The sweet juicy fruit has been commonly regarded as the king of fruits because of its loaded nutrients while it remains the most consumed in the world.

It will interest you to note that even as more nutritionist, dietician and other food enthusiast clamour for daily inclusion of fruits into one's diet, the World Health Organisation reported that millions of people around the world still die prematurely from diseases associated with low fruit consumption. This can be avoided if we decide to choose fruits like Mango over processed foods.

Find Below The Main Reasons Why You Should Consume Mango This Season

1. Mango Helps Improve digestion:

It will only surprise you that millions of people have digestive issues and yet indulge in processed foods. Mango is one fruit that can improve this condition. It is high in fibre and very juicy. These help in constipation and other digestive related issues.

2. Mango Fruit Improves virility in Men:

Love fruit as it is called. Mangoes are loaded with vitamin E which has been found to regulate sex hormones and initiate sex drive. Consuming adequate amount of mangoes on daily basis can make you achieve this.

3. It Helps Maintain Healthy Pregnancy:

Married couples do not want health complications during and after pregnancy and one of the ways you can avoid this is to include certain fruits that mitigate against this. Folic acid or folate is one of the nutrients found in mango which prevents against birth defects such as Spinal Bifida and Hydrocephalus. You will need about 400mcg of folate daily, a cup of mango juice produces 70mcg. Also, not only liver is rich in iron, mangoes also have a good supply of it. Pregnant women need an increased level of iron especially in the second and third trimester.

4. Mango Improves hair and skin quality:

Mangoes provide great quality for your hair because they contain vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturised. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of major bodily tissues, including skin and hair. Consuming Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin C, which 1-cup of mango per day can provide, is needed for the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to skin and hair. Give it a shot.

Remember, the season of Mango is here, Enjoy it while it last. Consuming 1-2 Mangoes per day would provide your body system with adequate nutrients.

On the next page, you will see advice on how much Mango you should consume. There is also advice on who and who can consume Mango; it is not good for everyone.


While mango remains a good fruit to consume, it is important to put into consideration when you eat them. Mangoes not in season are sometimes grown and ripened with a toxic chemical called calcium carbide that has been found to cause various complications in people especially children and pregnant women. Also, avoid unripe mangoes completely as it causes dysentery and irritation.

If you have kidney related issues, consuming high amount of mangoes is not advisable as your kidney may find it difficult to filter from the blood the high supply of potassium which could cause an imbalance.


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